On a more rational note, it would great to have a book written on the Sullivan v. Lincoln County case the Nevada Supreme Court ruled on recently. Patrick did a great job summarizing the issues and litigants but there were such important issues brought up and the opposing coalitions so interesting, that a book length presentation would be wonderful to own.

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I'm not in left or right camps when it comes to the arid lands of the West. I just want them all to stay empty. No mining. No solar. No wind. No humans. Period. For crikeys sake give the place a rest! Maybe 200 years minimum. I don't care what happens to Phoenix or Las Vegas or L.A. I wouldn't mind if those places got buried under the sand or blew away on the desert winds either. We got to face it. There's just too blinking many of us. Way too many. We're the problem. Not the climate! Solution: get rid of all the population from west of the Rockies all the way to the Sierra/Cascades. Empty out the region! Put it in a 200 year trust for future generations.

And I don't care if there are any future generations.

Extreme enough? Maybe not enough.

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